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Click on any of the Four Listings below for Simon Pasini's Classes:

       June 7-8, 2011 - Right Triptych Panel
       June 9-10, 2011 - Left Triptych Panel
       June 11th, 2011 - Saturday Carnival Panel
       June 13-17, 2011 - Triptych Panel CenterPiece

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    Simon Pasini Triptych Panel Right Side

    Simon's elegant style is presented in this ode to Venice. This right side maquette represents one of three panels combining to form a triptych that is being taught the month of June at The Paint Factory. Students will be caught-up in a whirlwind of instruction and painting as they are taught not only academic-style techniques, but also how to see components in a more "loose" way and paint with a feel for the materials that can convey with very little effort all that the eye takes in. This first panel will cover figure, drapery, architecture and some components of background. This two-day cell of this phenomenal workshop is modestly priced and includes all materials necessary.

    Right Panel Class

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    Simon Pasini Triptych Panel Left Side

    Incorporating more architectural elements with the window and more of the scenery beyond, this left side maquette represents the second of three panels combining to form a triptych being taught by Simon Pasini. Differing dramatically in details from the scene and drapery in the first (Right Side) panel, the Left Panel will teach more on viewing through glass and interpreting the distant imagery along with its architectural features and drapery. This two-day cell of this phenomenal workshop is modestly priced at $600 and includes all materials necessary.

    Left Panel
    Right & Left

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    Simon Pasini All-day Saturday Workshop

    For those looking to simply sample Simon's Style, we have put together a full-on, hands-on, all-day single panel for you to really get your feet wet. Simon will be instructing students in this fast-paced workshop on many of the techniques employed on the bigger panels. This beautiful 2'w x 3'h piece will give a rapid overview of the style Simon is becoming famous for here in the States. Class cost is set at $175 and includes everything you need - Paint, Canvas, Brushes. However, students ARE encouraged to bring their own brushes, if they prefer not to share. Register early as there are several already in this class due to it being a FREE BONUS to those taking Simon's other 9 days of workshops! We look forward to seeing you!

    Click link below to register now!

    Saturday Class

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    Simon Pasini Triptych Panel CenterPiece

    Incorporating more architectural elements with the window and more of the scenery beyond, this left side maquette represents the second of three panels combining to form a triptych being taught by Simon Pasini. Differing dramatically in details from the scene and drapery in the first (Right Side) panel, the Left Panel will teach more on viewing through glass and interpreting the distant imagery along with its architectural features and drapery. This two-day cell of this phenomenal workshop is modestly priced at $600 and includes all materials necessary.

    Left Panel &
    Center Panel
    Center Panel
    Right Panel &
    Center Panel
    All Three Panels

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